Our UK based design team have combined the concept of simple set up and ease of use for the novice user along with the advanced features required for more demanding jobs. Coupled with a range of options and technical backup this makes Imoticon and the ID700 an irresistable combination.
Energy Efficient
The design team at Imoticon Drives have used the latest machine control technology to ensure that the ID700 offers excellent performance coupled with energy efficiency. All ID700 models are compatible with IE2 and IE3 induction motors and meet all the required stringent EU requirements for energy efficiency.
The ID700 range covers 0.4kW to 75kW, all models have been rigorously tested and are fit for the most demanding applications. The state of the art manufacturing facility, coupled with a highly experienced design team ensures high MTBF (mean time between failure) times. Quality and reliability are built in.

0.4kW TO 75kW
The ID700 inverter range have been designed with reliability, energy efficiency and performance in mind. Its construction is rugged for the most demanding of applications.
The Imoticon design team have combined the concept of simple set-up and ease of use, along with the flexibility and features required for more demanding applications.
The ID700 has a very simple initial parameter set but there are bags of features hidden away to help and provide flexibility for the more tricky applications.
The team at Imoticon Drives are always available with expert advice as and when you need it.
We are always here to help, call our UK based technical support line on +44 (0)1686 688948

Why Choose IMOTICON Drives
World class technical support
Outstanding customer service
Flexibility & ease of use
World class reliability
State of the art manufacturing
UK based design team
Sold worldwide